Track 3: Build an AI Powerhouse
With solid foundations in place, we can now look to create momentum and accelerate growth and global influence. Scotland will become an acknowledged AI powerhouse, a country that sets standards in collaboration and innovation - one that leads the way in adopting AI technologies. We will achieve this by:
Creating a dynamic and accessible environment where innovative thinking thrives
Adopting AI technologies to make Scotland a greener, fairer and more prosperous country
Using the Scottish AI Playbook to guide the way we develop and adopt AI
Establishing a reputation for doing AI for the social good
Developing an industry where the public sector leads by example
Key actions
First 100 days
Refresh the AI and Data Technologies Capability Directory to drive engagement between AI consumers and AI creators (in collaboration with ScotlandIS and partners)
Expand on our AI CivTech Challenge on ethical and explainable AI in the public sector
Year 1
Building on the success of our AI Climate Emergency Challenge, establish an AI for Good Programme to help solve some of the most significant challenges facing our society
Accelerate and scale the availability of knowledge and enablement services from the Data Lab and other partners to help businesses adopt AI
Develop the AI Playbook to address challenges and pursue opportunities for academia, industry, public and third sector to adopt AI-enabled solutions
Create opportunities for people, businesses and organisations to get hands-on experience of AI
Reach agreement on the development of a public sector AI Charter (including a mechanism for feedback from the public)
Conduct an audit of Scotland’s AI Ecosystem, across industry, academia and public sector identifying strengths and opportunities
Year 2 and beyond
Create a register of trusted algorithms used in the Scottish public sector, learning from best practice around the world
Improve the capacity of the public sector to adopt AI through innovative procurement, support of CivTech and technology pilots
Review and adapt the AI Playbook based on feedback and results
if appropriate, establish an advocacy and recourse service for the people of Scotland